January 18, 2013 @ 12:01 PM


Our mornings are pretty routine here at home. The alarm in Melissa’s room goes off at 7am and we all wake up. I make coffee and start breakfast, the kids are dressed and ready to go by 7:30, we eat, I pack them lunch and they are off to school around 8:15. I then plan my day. This year, I belong to a gym; it is part of my plan of becoming healthier. I try to go every day, walk the track, take a class… whatever, just make it in. It has been working and I feel good. Last night I decided to wake up at 5am and exercise in the morning, before the kids woke up. There was a class that started at 5:30 but because my lack of “jumping” out of bed when the alarm went off, I missed it. No problem, still going in. The drive to the club is nice, dark out, cold, but barely a car in sight. As I am listening to great music on the radio, I pull up to the health club. The parking lot is packed! I mean, I had to park way in the back. Really? At 5:30 in the morning? Wow, I was shocked. I don’t know what I was expecting, but for sure not such a party so early in the morning.

The guy at the front desk is very nice about answering my question. Yes, the doors open at 5am and there are a lot of people waiting to get in. In the gym, there is a Mad Ball game going on (I must Google what that is) and upstairs in packed. There is a personal training session, the treadmills are running, weight lifting area is pretty full, people are doing laps in the pool. I see a few familiar faces. As I walk the track I can’t help but think: What else am I missing by sleeping late in the morning?

I leave the gym at 6:30. It’s still dark out and the roads are a little busier. As I pull into the garage, the guys’ words on the radio make me smile…”It’s a great day to be alive!” Yes, it sure is. I walk in and Melissa’s alarm goes off. Bring it!