October 17, 2013 @ 9:09 AM
While I was mailing a couple of packages at the post office in town the other day I saw a posting that they are hiring. For one day a week. My antennas went up thinking “I can do a day a week”. So I applied for the job. And let me tell you, the process of applying for a job with the post office is a long one. First you test online, then they email you and send you to a remote location to test some more. Then they email you and send you to the office you are applying for to interview with the Post Master. Upon their recommendation you are sent for a drug test. Then you fill up an application and return for an interview with the Post Master. Then you get finger printed. Then you are offered a position.
I am waiting to ...
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October 10, 2013 @ 8:39 PM
Today was such a beautiful day outside. It’s almost the middle of October and we have weather in the 70’s. It’s perfect. I worked a little bit in the garage, moved some things around and then I come upon four diving air tanks. They belonged to Frank. He really took to diving in the last years of his life and managed to purchase every little gadget. It’s amazing how much gear a diver has! Anyway, those tanks take a lot of space so I call the local dive shop and ask if I can just bring them over. I load them in the car and as I drive away, I’m pretty careful not to have them shift around in the back. I turn around to check on them and then I spot it.

On the bottom of the tank is his name and his phone ...
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