August 19, 2013 @ 7:52 AM
It’s been almost two full days since we’ve been home from a month away in London. You know the saying “step out of the box”… this was my step and here are a few things I noticed when I returned home, things that maybe I would have not realized otherwise.

We have a big house. Yes, we stayed in a studio but still, after weeks in the small place, I can see how you can adapt and make it fit. It felt very cozy and it was enough. When I walked back into our home, I opened all the doors and windows. I went on the deck. The house felt so big and while it felt familiar and it was so good to be home, I could not help but think that it’s too big.
I missed listening to country music. And I’m not ...
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August 15, 2013 @ 3:06 AM
We are to return home in a couple of days. Today we will pack, tomorrow we travel towards the airport where we have a room booked at a hotel because of our early flight on Saturday morning towards Chicago.
I can’t believe how fast this month went by. I am sitting in bed watching my kids sleep and can’t help but think how blessed I am to have them. They are so beautiful. We have had such a wonderful time together, I learned so much about them and also about myself. I can’t think of a better way to connect with them.

London is an amazing city. It has so much to offer and regardless of what type of traveler you are, you will not be bored. We sat by the Tower of London last night, eating fish and chips and watching...
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